

Studio Araldico Pasquini since many years is cooperating with legal offices, notaries, heirs firms, courts in the heirsearch and it always works according a proxy appointed by them to search the italian heirs of the de cujus.
Apart the heirsearch the study care also for the drawing of the family trees, the graphic tables and the reports representing the percentage for the right to the inheritance, as well as the relationship degree between the de cujus and the heirs.
To accomplish the research the study search civil, parish or notaryl records, but also land ones sometimes.
Partners of the study have been or are firms like International Genealogical Search, State Trustee, Botteril Research, Abc Legal and others. .


The study has worked and work with many international law offices, courts and notaries like   International Genealogical Search, State Trustee, Botteril Research, Abc Legal and others.