Familiar research
Where they are taken
A genealogy research starts from familiar archives first (photos, documents, etc) and then takes place to municipal and parish archives. For deepest research sometimes it is necessary to consult also other kind of archives; notaryls, cadastral, libraries and so on.
What to find and stages of a research
Data that can be found
These are the data that can be found during a genealogical research:
Vital and parish records;
Notaryl acts (deeds, wills, donations, etc);
Cadastral acts (properties, ownerships, census, etc;
Military data (conscriptions, enlistments, files and cards, etc);
Emigration files, naturalizations, census
Iter of the research
The research include this iter:
Analysis of photos, documents and informations provided by the client;
Preliminary research;
Submision and signature of the contract;
Ongoing research;
Draft of the report of the research;
Issue of photos and documents;
Issue of the family tree and the book.

Direct genealogy research - 6 generations
Data included: birth, marriage and death acts of the direct ancestors, as attached patronymic table, military data, surname origin and ethymology.
Documents included: vital and parish records, military records, photos of native village, ethymology of surnames found.
€ 2.000
Genealogical research direct line only - 5 generations
Data included: birth and marriage dates and places and military data of direct ancestors
Documents included: vital and parish records, notaryl and military records and photos of the native village
€ 1.000
Extended genealogy research - 4 generations
Data included: birth and marriage dates and places of complete familiar groups (all siblings of the ancestors), military data
Documents included: vital and parish records, notaryl and military records. photos of native village.
€ 1.500
Complete direct genealogy research - 4 generations
Data included: birth, marriage and death dates and place, military data.
Documents included: vital and parish records, notaryl and military records, photo of the native village.
€ 1.500
Complete genealogical research - collateral - 3 generations
Data included: Birth, marriage and deaths and places of complete familiar groups (siblings of ancestors in direct line), military data
Documents included: vital and parish records, notaryl and military records, photo of the native village.
€ 1.500
Estimate request
Fill the form to receive a detailed research estimate.
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