Family book
Acquisition of informations
The family book is similar to the family archive, but it reports more data, it is more descriptive and it is written after a long and extensive research.
After have gathered the family and historical informations (family tells, interviews to relatives, family photos, letters and cards, ancestor's objects, family buildings and monuments photos and history, occupations of your ancestors, etc) starts the genealogical research, that will be performed in various archives and libraries..
To be able to write down a complete family history it is necessary to deep the research till the most remote generation..

Chapters of the book
Once finished the research, that lasts many months, the book, developed in chapters, include the preface, the introduction, the etymology and the history of the surname, the description and the photo of the places where the family comes and used to reside, the photos of the graves, the complete report of any family member, the textual and graphical representation of the many kind of family trees and family lists, tables and statistics and then all the documents found during the research, mentioning the bibliography and all sources consulted.
Versions of the book
The book is written in Word and then printed and trasformed in pdf and in ebook

Paper version
With the luxury synthetic leather cover with the family coat of arms and the name of the family printed on it

Ebook version
Version that can be readed with a tablet, a smartphone or other devices

Pdf version
The pdf is an universal file that can be opened and readed by any device